Harijs Zariņš is a well-known Latvian musician. Unfortunately, similarly as many others, he has been diagnosed with cancer. Zariņš got to know about his disease accidentally, four years ago, during a general medical check-up. The results showed that he had had Stage 2 cancer for some time.
Got to know the diagnosis, he had to choose treatment method. Following a comprehensive analysis, he chose virotherapy. After so many different opinions expressed in Latvia on virotherapy, the musician commented his treatment:
“If somebody is worried that this treatment has not been studied with the modern methods, I can say that patients don’t have time to wait for these experiments and their results. Patients need their medicines now. Every minute counts. I would be already dead, if I waited for the results of the latest research. It might take several years, but I don’t have that time. I think that if the medicines have helped at least one person, they can be used. It is my choice, to take them or not. Nobody has said it is a panacea and will help me for sure. I decided to try and they helped me. The tests prove that. Moreover, this treatment, as opposed to the others, doesn’t have any side effects.”
It should be also noted that Harijs Zariņš drew inspiration from the life of the inventor of virotherapy, scientist Aina Muceniece and created a song. Aina Muceniece, despite war and difficult circumstances, was persistent, brave and determined to work and invented medicines that have returned health of many cancer patients.
The song is dedicated to everybody who is not afraid of difficult and creative work and whose contribution allows us to hope for the best in future.